The consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic in the member countries of the Boardwere presented and the conclusion was that countries with highly developed onlinebetting activity not only resisted better but were able to increase betting on racingduring the pandemic. Countries where the state government is the betting operator(Finland and Norway) have got considerable lowering of the betting tax in order to keepthe return of the money to trotting sports stabile. Other countries like France obtainedsome postponement for the payment of betting taxes. Sweden was the only memberwhich did not scratch any races in 2020. The decrease of races and prize money hasbeen observed in several countries due to lockdowns.
Next General Assembly will take place in June 2021 in Paris(Grosbois Training Center) on Saturday June 26th, on the occasion of the “Prix duPresident de la République”’ day at Vincennes racecourse the next day.
In agreement with the member countries of the International Trotting Association, thenext World Trotting Conference will take place in 2023 in Italy. The European Drivers'Championship will be organised accordingly in 2022.
If the sanitary situation allows it, subject to the agreement of Finland which is the hostcountry, the European Apprentices Championship could be maintained in autumn2021.
The President welcomed the election of UET to the Board of EHN (European HorseNetwork) at the General Assembly last December. It will be the occasionto better defend trotting sports in Europe, closely to the European Commission and theEuropean Parliament.
Mrs ALAVIUHKOLA emphasized that animal welfare is a major concern with highestpriority of the UET, as she had committed to it from the start of the termof her office. She encourages member countries to work for better and stricterharmonization of European rules on the abusive use of the whip. The behaviour ofsome jockeys remains worrying and exemplary penalties must be imposed in eachcountry.
She also asked that the question of barefoot racing be studied by the TechnicalCommission. This is a debate that is present in many UET countries. The Board tooknote of the regulatory changes recently adopted in France and concluded thatharmonization work is necessary. The consequences on animal welfare, breeding andbetting must also be assessed.
Last but not least, a presentation of the progress of work on the European TrottingDatabase was made. Despite the pandemic and thanks to the personal commitmentof IT-people from the Finnish and Norwegian Federations, the commissioning of acommon application allowing the exchange of official data will take place from Junebetween France, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The other UET member countries willbe connected in the coming months. This is a major step in the cooperation of themember countries of UET, awaited for a very long time.
Contact : Isabelle GIZARDIN
+33 (1)